
  • AMIDS 21 min

    Advanced Manufacturing: an innovation investment opportunity

    24 March 2022, 10:30am

    Glasgow has a strong, advanced manufacturing ecosystem. Hear from a panel of market-leading experts discussing the key trends and investment opportunities of this important growth sector.

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  • Healthtech event

    Investing in Health Tech and Precision Medicine

    8 February 2022

    Life Sciences and Precision Medicine are changing the way we think about health problems with a new generation of healthcare delivery moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach to medical care. This growing sector requires infrastructure, investment, and real estate to meet this growing demand.

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  • Central Station Image 08

    COP26: Investment Opportunities in Urban Sustainability

    18 November 2021

    Panel discussion looking at investment and sustainability in cities.

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  • ING UK most talked about cities

    How networks power the UK's most talked about cities

    18 November 2021

    Where do UK cities and conversations overlap most? ING’s latest data benchmarks the UK’s most important city networks – Core Cities, Key Cities and the Scottish Cities Alliance – alongside the country’s most global city, London.

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  • Barclays IFSD 12

    Repurposing City Centres

    22 September 2021

    Panel discussion looking at challenges and approaches to repurposing city centres.

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