Explore Glasgow

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Properties & Sites

Choose from a designated area (such as city or region) and select desired criteria, size, type, and a range of additional filters to find your ideal location. Custom filters can also be added.

Sunny day on Glasgow Buchanan Street by Artur Kraft via Unsplash Glasgow Travel Guide


Save/share demographic, consumer expenditure, and labour force data within a user-defined distance from selected sites. Reports are dynamic and data is updated annually.

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Research and map suppliers, competitors, and customers throughout the city region with detailed and dynamic business data at both sector and company level.

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Explore location-specific data about top degrees by institutions and field of study by radius, city and metropolitan area. View top institutions’ degree production by the number of graduates.

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Analyse the last seven years of Foreign Direct Investment data by country, amount of investment, jobs, number of projects and sector.

Kelvingrove P2 Image 07 min

Local Map Layers

Explore a wide range of drop-down map layers to understand how important location features and infrastructure assets play out across the city region.